Thursday, July 29, 2010

All for TOMS and TOMS for All!

For those of you out of the philanthropic loop, there's a new name in town and it happens to be eye candy that is good for your feet as well as the world. TOMS is a brand of shoes Terra now carries, offering comfortable and trendy flats in an array of colors and styles. In case you are unfamiliar with the TOMS movement, One for One, for every pair of shoes you purchase TOMS gives a new pair of shoes to a child in need. After creator Blake Mycoskie traveled to Argentina in 2006 discovering children without shoes to protect their feet, he envisioned a mission that would make a difference. Since the start of the company, TOMS has donated over 600,000 pairs of shoes to children in need thanks to loyal customer contributions. Be sure to check out Terra for our latest TOMS arrivals! Not only can shopping be fun, but you'll be making a difference as well!

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